About Me

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I have been an elementary and secondary school teacher and administrator. Currently, I am a faculty member in the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. My M.Ed. and Ph.D. had a focus on the educational and linguistic experiences of children who moved from other countries to Canada.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Networking to improve student learning in Haiti (Pt 1 #5)

5. Liaise with MENFP, Haitian universities, and other partners to further develop the educational system in Haiti.

One of the challenges of working to improve student learning in Haiti is the lack of coordination and cooperation between the many different groups involved with education. A national principals' organization could serve as the conduit (and catalyst) to change this.

Working with the Ministry of Education (MENFP), Haitian universities, and other interested groups (external universities, NGOs, IGOs), a national organization of principals would serve as a hub for networking. Without a particular charitable, political, or financial purpose, but with the mission of improving student learning through enhanced educational leadership, the organization would be logically situated to bring the different groups together around this goal.

The organization could partner with MENFP to recognize and credential the principal qualification program (described earlier). It could work with academics within the various ecole normale superieure (university faculties of education) and external universities to provide professional development opportunities (courses, workshops, journals, newsletters, etc) as well as research support. By being a non-partisan organization, it would be able to communicate with the disparate private school systems throughout the country and not be viewed as infringing on a particular mission, charity or business.

When we (re)imagine a new educational possibility for Haiti, it begins with leadership. A national principals' organization would provide the contextual capacity for such leadership, whether by developing a certification process, initiating and supporting research projects, providing professional development resources, and/or networking with the various stakeholders.

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